Hey - THANKS for the education!

BLOG: Hey - THANKS for the education!

By Adrian Cavlan

Wow - when I look back on the musical journey I have taken in my many years as a DJ, I can’t help but be amazed by how much previously-unknown-to-me music I have ingested during this time!

Now, I wish I could say that it was all amazing and wonderful stuff, but... well, you know, there’s no accounting for taste sometimes ; ) There’s something out there for everyone, and you just don’t have to like it all.

But that brings up a good point: when you are hired to DJ by someone, for at least that night, their tastes should become your tastes, and in doing your job properly, you should play their selections with zeal and commitment. Why? Because you are a professional, that’s why. And that is what a professional does: serves his/her clients to the very best of their ability. Your only skin in the game should be their happiness!

OK then. So, that said, let’s talk about all the wonderful things we get to learn about our favorite subject (music) from our clients.


A great story: back in the mid-’90s, I was hired several years in a row to play a corporate daytime party which was themed to be a day where every employee would come to work dressed in attire reflecting his/her heritage. The caterers prepared a wonderful international banquet, and I researched and played a huge selection of music from all around the world as people ate and even danced right there at work out in the afternoon sun. It was great fun, and I absolutely loved it. Fast forward a couple of years and there I was hosting an international music radio show called The Global Village on KUSP 88.9fm in Santa Cruz! I had turned that event into a radio show that I and many listeners enjoyed for the years I did it. How enriching it was!

I learned all about ‘50s & ‘60s music when I was first a DJ and was playing a ton of high school reunion events during that time.

Or how about all the hot-rodder faves when I was playing car shows?

Then there was the time that I had to play the music for 49ers coach Bill Walsh’s memorial service at Candlestick Park. His family passed word to me that he loved Willie Nelson, so that kicked off a major research operation for me as I tried to learn which songs from Willie’s immense catalog would be appropriate to play at a memorial. The end result for me? I became a lifelong Willie fan myself, and have passed my love of his music right down to my son who loves him too.

I could go on and on, but instead, I’ll just say one last THANK YOU to all the thousands upon thousands of people who have contributed to my musical journey. I have truly loved every minute of it (heck, even the crummy songs LOL!!)

Adrian Cavlan