Meet SIM's DJ Michelle Feng!

Here's a little bit about our own Michelle Feng!

Where did you grow up?  

In the suburbs of the surrounding outskirts of Los Angeles county.

What “lesson from mom” do you still live by today?

Unremitting resilience, the enduring value of hard work, and finding beauty in the little things.

What were some of your favorite songs in Junior High and High School?  Include any embarrassing songs!

First day of my life by Bright Eyes, Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Sleepyhead by Passion Pit, Time to Pretend by MGMT, and an embarrassing amount of Fergie, 2000's hip hop/RnB, and Korean pop music blurred into those genres.

If I were to jump in your car today, what would we be listening to?

I've been really into 80's English rock lately since I was just in London, so probably some New Order or the Smiths.

If you could be the lead singer of any band, who would it be?  

Radiohead. Thom Yorke gives me life.

What is your favorite food establishment and what is your GO TO meal there?

Fast food would be Yoshinoya - their beef bowl always hits the spot. Or this small Chinese Restaurant I grew up going to with my Mom; we would order the same seafood fried noodles and baked crab rice every time we went.

Name 3 people you would like to meet:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Joe Rogan, David Foster Wallace.

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Too many places. But as of now, Bergen, Norway. So I would be able to be surrounded by Norwegian fjords and see the northern lights!

What is the one thing you hope people will remember about you?

I hope I will be remembered as a smiling, positive force in a world where negatives often reign triumphant.

Raffi Nalvarian