Meet your DJ/MC...Seriously - You Should. :)

Sound In Motion's DJ/MC Logan Andren

Sound In Motion's DJ/MC Logan Andren

One of the biggest reasons people like working with us here at SIM is that we encourage all of our clients to meet with the actual DJ/MC who will be with them at their event before they commit to booking with us.In this day and age, with people’s time being at more of a premium than ever and (thank goodness) the trust in the SIM brand being as high as it is, some of our clients opt to skip that initial meeting and just hire on the spot with one of our Event Designers. This is just fine too, but there is really something to be said for even just hopping on to a Skype call for a few minutes so you can get a feel for this person who will play such an important and visible role on your event day.

Think about it: On your wedding day, wouldn’t you rather have the feeling of being in the good hands of Brandon (or Stephen, or Kevin… or Tina...) or, instead, how would you like to be the bride who arrives at your reception and has to start looking around and guessing that that guy over there near the speakers must be your DJ? Then what? Do you go up to him in your wedding dress right in the midst of your cocktail hour and say “Hi DJ - I’m the bride…” ? How impersonal is that? And, how much equity have you built up in your relationship that will make “the DJ guy” willing to go the extra mile for you if you need it?Getting to know your DJ. I know of one case where it even saved a couples marriage...

My friend Aldo in New York was the DJ, and during the process of preparing with this couple, they were gathering information for their Love Story, which he would be telling for them at the wedding. In this process, Aldo interviewed them both individually for a while, during which time he asked a bunch of great questions in his effort to get to really know them and see what the true spirit of their relationship was. It was by this method that he would then later be able to tell a magnificent and engaging story that really gave the guests a window into the why behind the wedding gathering that they were all a part of.

Well, a few years later, somehow word got to Aldo that this great couple of his had hit upon some hard times that were really straining the fabric of their marriage, and that they were in danger of losing this wonderful relationship they had made together.

Aldo thought quickly - what could he do? How could he help them?And then it hit him.

He called each of them individually. He told them each that they had to meet with him because he had something that they absolutely had to hear.

Because they knew him, they trusted him enough to say ok, they’d meet with him.

And then, he pulled out all the recordings he had made of their interviews with him for that Love Story, and he played them all for them right there in that same meeting room where they had met only a few years before to plan their wedding.

And in those tapes… were all the reasons that they loved each other and wanted to be married. In those tapes was the whole story of how they met and fell in love.

All in their own words, all in their own voices.

And that’s how taking the time to know the DJ saved their marriage that day and to this day they are happily married : )

Many thanks to Wedding Entertainment Director Aldo Ryan for the awesome story!

Adrian Cavlan