By Raffi Nalvarian

Over the many years as a DJ/MC, I've seen a lot of wedding favors. Corkscrews, golf balls, picture frames, little bottles of wine, shot glasses, almonds, matches etc...I'll bet as you're reading this and thinking about the last favor you received and if it was any good.

About 15 years ago I remember DJing a wedding where the bride and groom gave a toast to thank their guests for coming. They went on to tell the story of how the groom had fought cancer at a young age and thankfully won the battle. He proceeded to share a part of his fight where he overheard a nurse say the hospital was low on blankets for some reason. Those words always stuck with him and it turns out he and his wife did something very special -They donated hundreds of blankets to one of the local children's hospitals in the Bay Area on behalf of their wedding guests. There wasn't a dry eye in the room (mine included). This story has always stayed with me and I share it from time to time with people who are trying to figure out what would be cool to give to their guests. I can say that about 20 of the couples I've worked with have done similar things and it truly is something special.

This was at a wedding I did in July at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club (btw - great wedding venue). It was at each place setting and I overheard guests talking about it during dinner. Pretty darn cool. (I should note - They did this on their own.)

So before you order 500 almonds, think about an organization or two that is special to you and consider a donation to them. I'm sure there are hundreds of people and sled dogs who are benefitting from this.

Thanks for reading. :)

Raffi Nalvarian


You can donate too! Click on any of the links below, or donate to the charity of your choice today.  The greatest gift is giving. :)

Alzheimers Association

Northern California Sled Dog Rescue

Children's Hospital and Research Center - Oakland

Adrian Cavlan